Uniform Policy 2023-24

Glen Cove Elementary
Uniform Policy
In order to maintain an orderly environment conducive to the attainment of the educational mission of the Ysleta Independent School District, all students shall be required to conform to the School Uniform Dress Poliey and Dress Code.
Uniforms may be purchased at ABA Custom Engravers located at 7230 Gateway East Suite C their phone number is (915)592-6166; or School Wear (4727 Hondo Pass).
All Polos Shirts, T-shirts andior Pullover Sweatshirts will be red and golden vellow with or without the Glen Cove emblem.
Shirts must be tucked in at ALL times.
Light Jackets and coats cannot be oversized, nor have inappropriate graphies.
Hoodies may be wor, however they cannot have actual hoodie over their head inside the building.
Teachers/Coaches may ask students to remove the hoodies if they become a distraction in the classroom.
-Any school approved Spirit shirt can be wom as part of uniform.
Hottoms: All uniform bottoms must bein Khaki or Navy Blue colors only.
+ Pants can be in the following styles only. They may not be oversized or dragging in length.
* Uniform Pants (twill), or Uniform Capri Pants
+ Shorts, skirts, skorts may be wor but must pass the "below the fingertip" test.
Accessories: Oversized earrings jewelry is not allowed.
No artificial nails and no make-up is allowed.
Students may not wear washable tattoos
Hair: Only natural hair colors allowed. Students may not have distracting colored hair such as: red, green, blue, ete, nor haircut in unusual or distracting manner (ie, shaved with designs or Mohawks.)
*Belts required only if necessary for pants to stay on waistline-Only solid brown or black belts are allowed. No designs or buckles with initials.
Footwear: All shoes mentioned must be flat soles for salety reasons (Students have PE everyday):
Athletic Shoes Only
Socks / Learings
May be any color. NO platforms, slip-on flats, high lace tennis
Appropriate print socks. Leggings- solid colors or child
shoes, boots, sandals, or jely shoes.
appropriate print.
**All students who have perfect attendance Monday-Thursday will have Free Dress Friday.