Phone: 915.434.0753
Email Monica Bustillos
The Department of Student Services
Parent Information
Mission Statement
In support of the educational goals of Ysleta Independent School District, the department of Student Services prides itself on providing service excellence to resolve concerns and support all learning communities.
Parent Concerns and Complaint Resolution Process
Notice of Refusal of Entrance or Ejection From District Property
In accordance with Education Code 37.105, the District has the right to refuse entry to or eject a person from property under the District’s control if the person refuses to leave peaceably upon request and:
The individual poses a substantial risk of harm to any person; or
The individual continues to behave in a manner inappropriate for the school setting after having received a verbal or written warning to cease inappropriate behavior.
A person ejected from or refused entry to District property under this provision may appeal this action by filing an appeal under FNG(LOCAL) or GF(LOCAL) and shall be permitted to address the Board in person within 90 days of the commencement of the appeal if the grievance is not resolved at a previous level.
Contact Us

Monica Bustillos Director
9600 Sims Drive
El Paso, TX 79925
Phone: 915.434.0743
Nelly Ortiz
Department of Student Services Secretary
Phone: 915.434.0743
Email Nelly Ortiz
Ramon N. Carrillo
Department of Student Services, Coordinator
Phone: 915.434.0741
Email Ramon N. Carrillo
Norma Flores
Department of Student Services, Coordinator
Phone: 915.434.0739
Email Norma Flores
Grace Morales
Department of Student Services, Threat Assessment Generalist
Phone: 915.434.0742
Email Grace Morales