Drug Prevention Initiative

What is Happening?
Safety is the #1 priority at the Ysleta Independent School District, and our goal is to work closely with our parents and community to maintain a safe and supportive environment for all of our students. But recently, our country has experienced an alarming increase in drug overdose deaths due to a synthetic opioid called fentanyl, which is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine.
Federal authorities have seized millions of lethal doses of fake prescription pills with fentanyl, which are being mass-produced in bright rainbow colors we normally see in the candy we eat. Anyone with a smartphone can buy these fake pills – and in many cases, it only takes one pill to kill.
Halloween is just around the corner, and we encourage you to enjoy the festivities; but make sure to carefully examine the candy your children receive, and only accept those that are commercially wrapped.
We’ve designed this webpage to help provide you with the latest information and resources you need to protect your children and family. Warn your friends and family against the dangers of buying drugs online or taking medicine that isn’t prescribed by their doctor. Spread the word that One Pill Can Kill – and let’s keep working together to keep our communities safe.
Parent and Caregiver Resources
In the News
Fentanyl bust triggers new alert
A stash of the deadly drug fentanyl disguised as candy has been found inside a Lego toy box, the DEA said. Authorities call it "a newly packaged poison." ABC News' Lionel Moise has the details.
Border officers seize 16 pounds of fentanyl from 16-year-old
EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) – Customs and Border Protection officers working in El Paso seized 16 pounds of the drug fentanyl in what they are calling a failed smuggling attempt.
DEA El Paso: Beware of "rainbow" Fentanyl used to target youth
EL PASO, Texas (KTSM) – The Drug Enforcement Administration is advising the public of an alarming emerging trend of colorful fentanyl available across the United States.